Alberto Pavan Art

. This is a summary of the different motifs which have inspired me to paint. There may be repetitions of images some had to be cross-referenced.

The bull and the island - cm 61x41 Oil on canvas. £200. Previously named Inn and yang

A bull on the edge of the continent. Behind him an island the sea between them . The island is female as it is all the surrounding around the bull. The bull is the representation of masculine, testosterone on legs. The female land is accepting his display of strength, totally unnecessary, with maternal immobile patience

New work. In and yang

New work. Passion (another kiss)

Passion (another kiss) Oil on canvas cm 70x70 A bigger version of a painting previously presented in this site. It is a painting I particularly like.
Price £300

A blues singer Oil on canvas - not available but it can be reproduced (contact for details)

New work. Singer of R&B

A lush view with cat

A small painting showing the garden that surrounds my small property in Pipa Brazil. The portrayed cat is no longer with us unfortunately

New work. A lush view with cat

The Gnostics - an audacious and frivolous take on the Gnostic religion which it could have developed instead of the current . All over Europe, I find this to be a fascinating subject. This is a painting which belongs to my private collection and I wouldn’t want to sell it

New work. The Gnostics

New work. Stone age

New work. sereia

Sereia - the myth of the sirene in reverse, this creature of the abyss has the tale in place of her face . Omage to the same creature visited at the San Paolo Museum of Modern Art , where she is exposed as an iconic goddess

New work. Pirandello

Pirandello- oil on canvas - new painting representing a face in different types of expressions and emotions. This is a painting that goes hand in hand with a few others as they have all being painted with the same subject. I would like to be recognised for these multiracial portraits because it is very much fun

The noir collection

New work. Motherly love

Motherly love - Oil on cardboard

New work. The ghost and a fugitive

The ghost and the running man - 6/2023 Size A3. Oil on paper
Price £ 180

A man is on the run. A ghostly figure is present. Just a development of a noir subject in a traditional monochrome

New work. The look

The look - 6/2023 Size A3 Oil on paper
Price £100

Another of my Noir collection . The picture concentrates on the look on the female character. It is a look in the dark. Only source of light the lighter of her cigarette which looks suspiciously like a joint. Probably a lady who lives at the limits of legality; those eyes must have seen more than the average person has.

New work. This civilisation is ending and I have nothing to wear

The civilisation is ending and I have nothing to wear - 6/2023 Size A3 Oil on cardboard
Price £180

An introduction of red in a monochromatic picture. An self-indulgent title, reaching beyond the preposterous. An implicit comment to the frivolity of nowadays concerns with values in decadence and the futile answers that we give to ourselves as cosmetic solutions to cosmic problems

The imaginary lands collection

This is a collection of places, cities, countries that don’t exist. They are my experience of these places, They are not views from postcards or even from memories of the places represented, they are the flavour I have in my …. Mouth? Eyes? .. when I think about those places

Pride in London1969 - 7/2023 size A4 Oil on canvas
Price £250

A representation of a march for Pride. Even if, at the time it was called Gay Pride, I haven’t use this description to make it inclusive of all the shades of differences that Pride contains today. Especially in a moment when some individuals are trying to create a division between LGB and the rest, which it is even more hypocritical; in fact those few who belong to LGB groups wouldn’t even notice the Q and the A, what disturbed them the most are the T. Transgenders, transsexuals and transvestites. They want the boys to be boys and the girls will wear pink. They are so very thankful to mainstream society for having given us a handful of rights and now they do not want to rock the boat. They call the gender self-perception a theory and they struggle to use the appropriate pronouns

New work. Pride1968

New work. Imaginary Naples

Imaginary Naples Oil on canvas - it is not representing Naples as a city, it is representing a vespa, a voluptuous lady in a black undergarment putting laundry on a line, a guy in a black suit. The painting is as if it was in monochrome, although it is not black and white. It is like an old black and white movie. This is the Naples i did not know yet as a child; this is the Naples I thought it would have been according to the information I had, as a child. Even now, that I know Naples is different from the stereotype, it is easy for me to think of this city in these terms. I know it is much more than a stereotypical illusion, but it is an illusion which has strong emotions and strong visual and I had to represent it

New work. Bologna 1

Memories of Bologna - 5/2023 Size A3 Oil on canvas
Price £259

An imaginary view of an italian city

New work. Bologna immaginata

Inspired by a walk in Bologna - 05/2023 Size A4 Oil on canvas
Price £250

New work. Roma imaginava

Maybe Rome Oil on canvas - cm 48x65 A view which may reminds of Rome

New work. Abstract

No title- Size A4 2/2023 Oil on canvas

This is my first attempt at an abstract painting.

The tríptico of the Mantellate

This is my very last work. It presents many of my recurrent themes.

It hasn’t been priced yet.

The first is this: The Mantellate and the bull

New work. The Mantellate and the bull

New work. Mant 2

This is the second.

The reunion

New work. Mant 3

The third painting of the tríptico


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