Alberto Pavan Art

Home. Crucifixion

Albertopavanart - artist in South London

New expressionism of the unconscious

Crucifixion - oil on canvas - 2023- cm 30x50 £200

Painting representing the martyrdom of diversities

The oval series

Oval 1 - Oil on canvas
One of four painting inspired by the Oval Station commuters in South London

Home. Oval 4

Home. Oval profile big

Oval 2 - Oil on canvas Painted in 2022 Cm 50x50 £300

Home. Oval 2

Oval 3 - Oil on canvas - Painted in 2023 Cm 41x61 £ 300

Oval 4 - Oil on canvas - 2023 -

Home. Oval 1

Home. Pietà in the backroom

The Pieta in the back room - Oil on cardboard - recyclable material - Cm 50x60 £ 100

Home. Women in distress

Women in difficult situations living their life as they can. Oil on board - Painted in 2024 influenced by the Gaza facts. Cm 40X30 £ 300

Home. Passion (another kiss)

Another kiss - Oil on canvas Painted in 2022 It is my omage at MANGA comics Cm 50X50 no longer available

Home. Last super +1 good

Last supper + 1 Oil on canvas - Painted in 2024 - Cm 40X30 this is a theme I already used in some of my paintings. A similar one but in yellow shades was, in fact, the very first painting I ever sold. £250

Home. Impressions of spring

Impressions of spring - Oil on wood - recycled material 60X40. It was a frame painting I purchased in a charity shop. I paid it very cheap, for the frame, but, i then decided to use also the wood to make my own painting over the existing. £350

Home. Equine power

Equine - oil on canvas Painted in 2023 -Cm 50x50 £ 250

Home. The goddes of snakes

The snake’s goddess - Oil on canvas Cm 50x50 £ 250

Home. Dear Federico

Dear Federico -Oil on canvas 60X80 . It is an omage to Federico Fellini. £400

Home. The Triptico of the Mantellate

The trittico of the Mantellate - 3 paintings. Oil on canvas - they are big paintings and they are very personal. They are not for sale, not that I think many people would be interested in buying them. They mean a lot to me and I love these 3 paintings, but probably, in general, I don’t think they are commercial

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